
Hbase commands


Like rdbms schema ,hbase has namespace.

If no namespace is defined all created hbase tables are in default namespace.



1.Create namespace in Hbase:


create_namespace '<namespace name>'


hbase(main):003:0> create_namespace 'student_management'                                                                              

0 row(s) in 0.0290 seconds  


2.Creating table in hbase

 create '<tablename>', '<columnfamilyname>'


 If namespace is defined then command:


create <namespace:tablename>, <columnfamilyname>


if there is more column family those should be declared here separed by comma(,).



hbase(main):004:0> create 'student_management:student','personal_details','marks_details'                                             

0 row(s) in 1.2180 seconds                                                                                                            


=> Hbase::Table - student_management:student 



3. listing out all tables




it will display all the tables that are present or created in HBase



describe '<table name>'



ITechshree:Hbase describe command

3.insert data into table:


command to insert data into hbase table:


put  '<hbase tatble name>', '<row_key>','<column_family_name:column_name>','<column_value>'




put 'student_management:student','1','personal_details:name','rohit'


put 'student_management:student','1','personal_details:age',16


put 'student_management:student','1','marks_details:math',78

put 'student_management:student','1','marks_details:eng',80


put 'student_management:student','2','personal_details:name','rita'


put 'student_management:student','2','personal_details:age',15


put 'student_management:student','2','marks_details:math',83

put 'student_management:student','2','marks_details:eng',90

ITechShree:Hbase put command

4.To fetch details from hbase table:


get <'tablename'>, <'rowname'>, <other  parameters>



ITechShree:Hbase get command

5.alter table:

It is used to  add or remove column  and  modify the table properties in hbase table


command to update versions :

alter <tablename>, NAME=>’<column familyname>’, VERSIONS=><new version no>



alter 'student_management:student' ,NAME =>'personal_details',VERSIONS =>2 


ITechshree:Hbase alter command to add version

To delete and add column family:

ITechShree: Hbase alter command to add and delete column family

Note: syntax for method should be followed to update regions using alter command


To enable snappy compression on the existing HBase column family:


ITechShree: Hbase alter command to enable compression

6.Scan command:


This command scans entire table and displays the table contents. 


scan <'tablename'>, {Optional parameters}



ITechShree: Hbase scan command

7. Delete command:

This command will delete cell value at defined table of row or column. 


delete <'tablename'>,<'row name'>,<'column name'>



ITechShree:Hbase scan command


This command will truncate the records of hbase table but schema will be present.

 It performs 3 functions-

Disables table if it already presents

Drops table if it already presents

Recreates the mentioned table


 truncate <tablename>


ITechShree:Hbase truncate command


 To drop the table present in HBase, first we have to disable it .

drop <'table name'>


ITechShree: Hbase drop command

same like disable , enable command is present which is used to enable hbase table

 Hope you got idea  about the basic commands in  Hbase  and how to run  in hbase shell.

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